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Frequently Asked Questions ??

Are people who purchase DAY PASSES allowed into the Campground?

No, Day Pass holders are only allowed into the Viewing Area. Only people allowed into the Campground are "Weekend Pass Holders" & One Day with Overnight Camping Holders.... no exceptions!


Can we purchase a One Day pass with Overnight Camping?

One Day with Overnight Camping can be purchased @ the Admission Gate or In Advance through the Boot Hill Office 519-678-3434.  Price: Gate Price for the Weekend per Person - Weekend Armband put on.  $100 Deposit will refunded next morning between 9AM-11AM Only. No Exceptions. Overnight One Day Camping Person must return in person to the gate with Armband in tact..... Armband will be removed by Staff & Camper will sign Refund Form & Deposit will be returned.  If you purchase One Day with Camping in advance through BHJ office refund will be done at the time you are leaving the next day.   Please remember you must return to the main gate between 9-11 AM the following morning & have your armband removed.

What are the Arriving Procedures and Hours?

Boot Hill Jamboree campgrounds opens on the Thursday, July 31st,2025 at 9 AM. Admittance into the campgrounds runs from 9 AM to 9 PM. Please arrive during these specified hours. Overnight parking along public roads is not permitted. Please follow the signs located along the highways as you near the site.

Campers (in the General Camping Area) are parked in the order they arrive. If you want to park with friends, you must arrive together. If you arrive late, you may park in the staging area (Front Parking Lot) and will be admitted 9 AM the next morning. All VIP & Reserved Sties - Campers will be escorted to their respective site....Please remember to bring your "VIP or Reserved" Camping Pass with you!


What if I need water?

Private water contractors is on site for your convenience. Contractor will be going through the campground over the weekend.  Service is provided by Private Contractor not Boot Hill "Country" Jamboree.


Are there dump stations?

Private Contractor with Septic sanitation trucks will be on site and available to pump holding tanks. Contractor will go through the campground Saturday & Sunday morning and will be available Monday morning for pump-outs before you leave for home.  Service is provided by Private Contractor not Boot Hill "Country" Jamboree.


Is there a daily trash pickup?

For health and safety reasons trash is picked up daily. Barrels have been placed throughout the campground for collection, please place in appropriate barrel. Trash? Recyleable? Please make sure that Bottles & Cans are deposited in their barrel as a local ***Service Group*** are using this weekend as a major sponsor for their upcoming year's events.


Are we allowed to have campfires?

Outdoor cooking may only be done with a barbecue unit or an enclosed cooking grill. OPEN FIRES ARE NOT PERMITTED! Fire lanes must remain free and clear of all objects, obstructions and vehicles. Unauthorized vehicles in these lanes will be towed at the owner’s expense.


Can I bring my pet?

 Yes they will be allowed in the campground only not the viewing area. We will allow "Service Dogs only in the Viewing area, but they must have proper identification, not ID bought off the internet.  Service Dogs have proper ID, but it is not advisable to have them in Viewing area during concerts.  Please abide by these rules: #1. Dogs must have all the appropriate shots etc. #2. The dogs stay at the campsite. #3. The dog does not bark or make any excessive noise. #4. If there are any complaints about the dog, the owner will have to remove the dog from the premises. The owner will not receive a ticket refund and the owner is welcome to come back on the grounds. Dogs are not allowed in the VIEWING AREA!!


Can I use my generator?

Please be considerate of your fellow campers. Generators may be used from 8 am until 1 hour after the conclusion of the final show for the evening (usually 12:30 TO 1:00 AM). All generators must be attended while operating, any unattended running generators will be shut down. No Loud Generators.  Please remember when running your generator that you DO HAVE CLOSE NEIGHBOURS!  Boot Hill "Country" Jamboree has an area where campers who need to run generators for health reasons (breathing machines etc.) can be parked, please ask when you are booking site.


Are there port-a-johns and showers?

There are port-a-john’s throughout the grounds for your convenience. If you wish to rent a Private Port-a-John call the Boot Hill Office to arrange...519-678-3434.  Boot Hill will make arrangements with Private Contractor for a rental of a private unit for you.


Are Private quad-runners, golf carts and other similar vehicles allowed?

Golf Carts ONLY are allowed. No ATV's, Gators or similar type vehicles, they will not be allowed on the Boot Hill property for 2024. Parking area just inside viewing gate (at the Admission gate) for Golf Carts ONLY.  NO VEHICLES (CARS & TRUCKS) they must stay at your campsite!


Are you allowed to drive around the grounds?

No driving in the grounds unless you are leaving or returning for supplies.  NO Driving Cars & Trucks to the Viewing gates.....they must remain at your campsite.....Remember NO ENTRY after 11 PM as gates are CLOSED until 9:00 AM the next morning.

Is there an ATM on Site?
ATM machine on site for 2025 at the Main Entrance Gate.

Are Karaoke Machines allowed?
  No, due to problems we have experienced in past years.
















Venue Address;
15722 Turin Line,
Bothwell, Ontario NOP1C0

Mailing Address:
15693 Lees Line,
Muirkirk, Ontario NOL1XO

Boot Hill Office   519-678-3434

© 2025 Boot Hill Jamboree

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